Archives for posts with tag: cooking


Welcome back all! I’m so glad you decided to drop by.

Remember my something out of nothing blog? Well, it’s about that time again. With summer being a busy travel and social time, we have been trying not to overstock and simply use what we have in the fridge so as to minimize waste. SO, wanting a salad but having no lettuce, I took a risk and this is what I came up with. I was pleasantly surprised how refreshing this was. So if you are in the mood for something other than the same old salad, I suggest you give this a try. NOTE: I made this just for myself as a meal. So if you are making this for a side, you might want to consider doubling this recipe.  Read the rest of this entry »

Only picture I got! Sorry!

Only picture I got! Sorry!

Hello all! I know it’s been over a year since I posted. I wrapped up my first year of teaching and that kept me pretty busy. But wanted to give a quick update to get back on track and confirm that I am alive.

So, if you are looking for a one-pot, quick, healthy, and CHEAP dinner (isn’t that the dinner combination we all strive to achieve?), then this is the dinner idea for you. I didn’t take many pictures because I thought to do this blog AFTER the cooking and cleanup!

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NOTE: Sorry it’s been such a while since an update. I started this post on June 2, and then life got crazy!!

This is a soup I dreamed up that I originally intended to be somewhat healthy and even vegan. As you can see, neither goal was met….but this soup did turn out quite good. I warn you this is SPICY SPICY SPICY!! Even my husband and friend who ate it, who both like spicy foods, agreed this was SPICY-and that was AFTER I tried to tone it down. So if you don’t like Indian flavors or spicy foods, this isn’t the soup for you. But if you do, you are in for a TREAT! 🙂 Read the rest of this entry »

Welcome back readers!

Today, I wanted to share with you something that is not based on chicken. It’s true we do eat a LOT of chicken in our house. But today, I present to you something vegetarian friendly and, if you skipped topping it with cheese, would also be vegan friendly. It’s a simple dish and took me probably 20 minutes to whip up. My husband LOVED this and even asked if there was more!

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Welcome back readers! Thanks for stopping by.

I know it has been a while since my last post. Student teaching has been keeping me quite busy! But student teaching has ended, so I hope to be back in the kitchen and whipping up all kinds of great creations to share on a regular basis.

In the meantime, here’s something I created the other night. This was part I was craving Applebee’s, part I felt like trying something new, part I had some stuff to get rid of, and part I wanted really great presentation. Unfortunately, in my tired creative stupor, I did not write anything down (that’s pretty on par, eh?). But I don’t want that to stop me from sharing what I thought was one of the best things I have made in a long time.

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This meal all started because yesterday, I had a great day. I was being observed in the classroom for the first time by my supervising professor and the lesson went well. My supervisor seemed to really enjoy my teaching. My students were engaging in great thinking and one student even said I looked very nice. Then I went to campus and got to talk to my favorite professor (who I have not had in the past year). We chatted for nearly 45 minutes and she told me she was proud of me (WOW!). She also said she liked seeing my recipes on my facebook. Well, naturally, I went home after that comment and whipped up something new to share with everyone. So, Dr. Calabria, this one is for you. Read the rest of this entry »

I promised you the recipe for my lemon dill potatoes. And last night, I made them just so I could take a picture of them for this blog (OK, also so I could actually measure out the ingredients). Read the rest of this entry »

Hello again my faithful readers! I hope this post finds you well.

Today I want to share what I made us for dinner last night. It’s a venison stew inspired by both French and Irish elements. It was SO GOOD. But I want to warn you this is anything but “quick and easy.” I spent a little over an hour in this kitchen first thing in the morning when I woke up, and allowed the stew to simmer on the stove all day. So if you don’t have all day to spend on this dinner, then maybe store this one away for when you will have the time. But again, well worth it.  Read the rest of this entry »

Welcome back readers! I am always glad to have you.

Today I would like to share a fairly quick and easy dinner idea with you. This came out of one of those nights that we had random groceries in the fridge and about half an hour to cook and eat dinner (I’m sure you know how those nights go). Read the rest of this entry »

Welcome back readers! I am so happy to have you stop by.

So I guess my plans to bombard you with posts before student teaching fell pretty flat (I start in the classroom tomorrow). But I do have a few things up my sleeve for you.

Right now I would like to share an oven chicken and veggies recipe. Keep reading to see what I did with the leftovers for this, too.  Read the rest of this entry »